quarta-feira, 1 de março de 2017

Artigo que expõe reflexões sobre a identidade brasileira. Resultado de pesquisa sobre as relações entre Brasil e Portugal nos primeiros 300 anos de história do Brasil. de 1500 a 1822. Período em que o país pertencia ao Reino de Portugal. 
Silva, Odair Marques e Moreira, Fernando 2016). Contributos para uma reflexão sobre a identidade brasileira a partir de elementos da cultura portuguesa. In Cultura e Educação - Reflexões, Zan, Dirce, Moreira, Fernando, Silva, Odair Marques da, Ribeiro, Orquídea (Orgs). 2016. Editora UTAD Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro.  

Prof. Dr. Odair Marques da Silva
Graduation in Sciences, degree by the University São Judas Tadeu (1983). Postgraduate in Systems Analysis by PUCCAMP and Master in Quality Management by FEM / UNICAMP, with a dissertation on Non-Governmental Organizations / ABONG. He is active in the following subjects: Education and Cultural Production. Teacher in the Post-graduation in Social Pedagogy - UNISAL / Campinas / SP. Member of GEPESAC - Research Group on Social Education - UNISAL / Campinas / SP. Co-author, among others, of the following publications: "Small actions change the world", "Education and Work in the Perspective of Social Pedagogy", "Technologies and Interactive Media in School" and "Education and Culture - 2016). " PhD at UTAD - Portugal, with a concentration in Cultural Sciences and object of research at the Museum of the Portuguese Language, in the interaction between its pedagogical methodology of cultural diffusion and the installations based on new media and technologies. (http://lattes.cnpq.br/5104682653026905)

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